Yay or Nay: Alternative Spaghetti

September 06, 2015

August 14, 2015. On an ungodly hour, one night, I was restless because I was craving for something flavorful and filling. I checked our cabinets to see if I could whip something up. Like puzzle pieces, the ingredients I found eventually led me to make spaghetti.

We didn't have spaghetti/tomato sauce I thought we didn't have tomato sauce (turns out, we had but I just didn't know where my mom put it) so I had to get creative since my sister doesn't like carbonara or alfredo. It really had to be tomato-based. Good thing we had tomato paste! Only used half the 170g can for this one. Added soy sauce and then ready-made alfredo sauce (I swear, it sounds weird but it works!).

It was my first time to use this combination so I was just relying on faith. Haha! Not patient enough to wait for the ground meat to defrost so I made do with left over adobo. Seasoned with lots of black pepper, basil and parsley flakes, then added a bit of brown sugar and the secret ingredients: bear brand (to tame all the wild flavors) and lots and lots of... love and prayers! Hahaha Don't forget the garlic and onions too! I wasn't sure what I was doing. It was my first time to feel nervous in the kitchen since I didn't want it all to go to waste. In the end, its taste had an 87% semblance of my usual spaghetti.

This was a: YAY!

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